Thanks for the thoughtful comment Phil.
If I do a quick “ “guest post”” search, I see Fred lets his friends and community members guest post frequently, so I think engaging heavily in the community is a good first step.
He’s also let everyone’s favorite fake giant robot dinosaur guest post – – so perhaps becoming a giant robot dinosaur that tweets about startups in all capital letters is also a winning strategy 🙂
]]>In answer to your question how to acquire a link on, you could try the following technique.
1) Follow Fred Wilson on social networks and understand his patterns.
2) Find suitable strong quality sites slanted towards startups. Contact a few asking if they’d like to be given an interview with a leading VC.
3) Contact Fred Wilson with invitation to be interviewed on a leading Startup website
4) Interview is published on Startup themed website
5) Human nature means we all like to reciprocate. Utilise this by offering to interview Fred Wilsons top five investments and place this on his own blog. Within the credits, you have an opportunity to insert your desired link.
Convoluted? Possibly, however you’ve built strong relationships that you can assist and utilise in the future. This is the key.
]]>Noticed you a word towards the beginning of the post: “Here are some tactics we’ve seen teams implement are scalable” thought I’d point it out.
Fantastic post. Thanks!